What is GDPR?

(General Data Protection Regulation)

Navigating the Jurisdictional Chaos: An International Law Perspective on the Extraterritorial Application of Data Protection Laws

Personal information-1

What is Personal Data? Closer look into GDRP Definition

ai act

Guide to Artificial Intelligence: How Companies Can Keep Users’ Privacy in Mind

Useful materials

How to Implement GDPR?

GDPR Aware Handbook

Layers of personal information

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Is the US legal to track migrants? Let’s figure it out!

What is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

What’s new about privacy at Apple?

Rules, sanctions & Twitter | Privacy Digest

News Digest: fines & restrictions

cipt exam 1

Our GDPR consultant Bogdan Barburas passed successfully CIPT exam

We welcome a plus one in a community of certified privacy professionals!

Data Protection Digest

Personal Data Transfers Rules and Restrictions in Japan

The EU approved a new Regulation on Digital Services

News Digest — about data breach, Google Analytics and American Data Privacy and Protection Act.

New guidelines for calculating GDPR fines, possible GDPR crash, twitter’s gamble and new UAE legislation – sharing top news for the past week

Organization of cross-border data transfer according to GDPR

«Right to be forgotten» and freedom of speech: how to strike a balance on the Internet

Facebook, Tiktok, Zoom & Privacy (scandals)

12 of the most notorious fines for GDPR violations

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