Intensive data protection course

GDPR Data Privacy Professional (GDPR DPP)

GDPR data protection training and certification

GDPR Data Privacy Professional is the fundamental online course on European data protection according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The author and the trainer of the course is the seasoned and certified information privacy practitioner.

Who is a Data Privacy Professional?

A Data Privacy Professional is a specialist who ensures data protection within an organization, adhering to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national regulations. The primary responsibilities include developing privacy policies, maintaining a record of data processing activities, and incorporating data protection principles into the organization’s business operations. Data Privacy Professionals also conduct audits, assess risks, and provide training to colleagues on correct information handling.

Becoming a Data Privacy Professional is the first step towards the highly desired profession of Data Protection Officer.


The GDPR DPP course was specifically created for those who are looking for starting their career as a Data Protection Officer. It focuses on not only on theoretical knowledge, but practical skills. You will learn all the necessary tools and strategies for effective personal data protection.

The course is delivered live via Zoom for a better interaction between students and the trainer. In addition to the theoretical sessions, you will be assigned practical tasks to reinforce the knowledge you’ve gained. After completing the course and successfully passing all the tests, you will receive the GDPR Data Privacy Professional Certificate as the endorsement of your data privacy skills and competences.

GDPR DPP training is highly engaging and interactive, with a focus on hands-on learning. You will be engaged in group discussions, practical exercises, and case studies to apply the concepts in real-world scenarios.

The course materials include diagrams, documents, flowcharts, and templates for students to use. With our team’s 5+ years of consulting experience, we have created practical and relevant materials for data privacy professionals.

This practical approach improves learning and helps students develop skills they can use right away in their jobs.

Upon completing the course, you will learn to:

Target competencies

Anyone who works with personal data must ensure compliance with data protection laws and international regulations. The course guarantees that candidates are familiar with data protection terminology and privacy concepts and capable of applying them in practice.

Data Protection
Information Security
Policy Creation
HR and Recruitment

Who is this course for?

The GDPR Data Privacy Professional course is ideal for both beginners who are looking to start a career in personal data protection, and practitioners who are looking to expand their skill set. This course will provide you with the fundamental and comprehensive knowledge in data privacy. It’s also beneficial for those looking to fill in gaps and improve their existing expertise in this field.


18 September - 4 October

  • Concepts of privacy, data privacy, data protection. Types of privacy.
  • Review of existing data privacy laws, standards and regulations
  • Сases, court precedents, guidelines in information privacy
  • The Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data №108
  • Directive 96/46
  • Overview of present regulatory framework of data protection in EU (GDPR+)
  • History of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Territorial and material scope of GDPR
  • Structure of GDPR text (recitals, business related articles etc)
  • Overview GDPR related acts
  • National data privacy legislation
  • Legal precedents
  • Guidelines and opinions of Article 29 Working Group (Art29WP) / European Data Protection Board (EDPB)
  • Guidelines of national supervisory authorities (SAs)
  • Overview of risks, fines, responsibilities related to personal data processing
  • Mapping of the different data protection laws to the rules applicable in EU.
  • The concepts of personal data (PD), identifier, data subject
  • Formula of Persomal Data “(id-x)+info”
  • Cases of (non-)personal data
  • Biometric data
  • The concepts of personal data (PD), identifier, data subject
  • Formula of Persomal Data “(id-x)+info”
  • Cases of (non-)personal data
  • Biometric data
  • Transparency of processing
  • Purpose limitation
  • Data minimisation
  • Storage limitation
  • Accuracy
  • Integrity and confidentiality
  • Accountability
  • The 7 foundational principles of privacy by design by Ann Cavoukian
  • Privacy by Default
  • Privacy embedded into design
  • Full functionality – positive-sum
  • End-to-End Security – Lifecycle Protection
  • Consent
  • Conditions for consent
  • Getting consent in UX
  • Contract
  • Legal obligation
  • Vital interest
  • Public interest
  • Legitimate interest
  • Balancing test of Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA)
  • Modalities for exercise of the rights of the data subject
  • Right to information about processing
  • Right to access personal data
  • Right to rectification
  • Right to restriction of processing
  • Right to be forgotten
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to object
  • Right to not be subject of automated decision-making
  • Data subject’ rights restriction
  • Case “Nightmare letter from data subject”
  • Check-box approach vs risk based approach
  • Concept of risk
  • Risk likelihood and severity
  • GDPR terminology related to risks (high risk, likely etc)
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) requirement under GDPR
  • When DPIA is mandatory
  • BIA (Business Impact Assessment) or SIA (Security Impact Assessment) as triggers for DPIA
  • General approach to conduct DPIA
  • Describing processing operations, personal data and supporting assets
  • Legal and risk-treatment controls
  • Risk sources, feared events, threats and risks
  • Tools for Data Protection Impact Assessment
  • GDPR requirements to information security
  • Data breach notification of supervisory authorities and data subjects
  • Technical and organisational measures of managing information security risks
  • Overview of GDPR rules on cross-border data flow
  • Documenting international transfers of personal data
  • Data Processing Agreement
  • Binding Corporate Rules
  • Standard Contractual Clauses
  • Codes of conduct and certifications
  • Derogations relating to cross-border data transfers for specific situations
  • Representative in EU
  • Data Protection Officer / DPO


Siarhei Varankevich


Founder of DPO Europe GmbH. Data Protection Trainer and Principal Consultant.
Siarhei Varankevich FIP is the founder of the international data protection consultancy, Data Privacy Office. He provides consultation on the European GDPR and Emirati PDPL. He is the author and instructor of GDPR DPP, GDPR DPM, and UAE DPO data protection training courses. He is a certified professional (CIPP/E), manager (CIPM), and technologist (CIPT) in information privacy. Siarhei is also the chief editor of, an online guide to the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I enroll in the course, but can’t attend?

If you enroll in the course but are unable to attend, rest assured. We can transfer you to the next training group.

What will happen if I don’t attend several training sessions during the course?

In case you miss multiple training sessions during the course, we may record the session, which will then be sent to you after the lesson. You can watch at your convenience.

Is an installment payment possible?

Absolutely! You can pay for the course through a series of installments. Our managers will provide guidance on this matter and offer favorable terms tailored to your needs.

Will I immediately a get a better job after completing the training?

Completion of our training enhances your skill set and knowledge in personal data protection and GDPR compliance, providing you with a competitive advantage over your competitors. While an immediate job promotion is not guaranteed, it certainly positions you favorably in the job market.

I still have questions about the course?

Feel free to submit a request on our website, and our manager will promptly respond. This no-obligation consultation ensures that we address all your questions free of charge.

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