EU Representative Service Free stand-by EU representative service under GDPR. Request consultation EU Representative Services under GDPR is a unique pay-as-you-go service where representation is free during periods without data subject requests or communication with supervisory authorities. The service remains free if the company has not significantly altered its data...
Outsourced Privacy Engineering Team
Outsourced Privacy Engineering Team Request consultation Based on the principles of Privacy by Design, we will check your code, application or website for compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations. Outsourced Privacy Engineering Team PE Team is a group composed of licensed GDPR professionals, a designer (software application architect), and,...
Privacy Police Audit/Drafting
Privacy Police Audit/Drafting Request consultation Our licensed professionals in personal data protection area will elaborate a Privacy Policy for you which is completely in line with the GDPR requirements. What is Privacy Policy? The Privacy Policy is a key document on the protection of personal data, which is necessary to...
Record of processing activities
Record of processing activities Request consultation A small step for a company - one giant leap for GDPR-compliance. Contrary to common belief, the GDPR is not aimed at imposing million-dollar fines on as many companies as possible. The GDPR gives individuals more control over their personal information and encourages businesses...
GDPR gap analysis
GDPR gap analysis Request consultation Analyze your company's processes for potential gaps in GDPR-compliance. The vast majority of clients who have applied to the Data Privacy Office Europe have been collecting and processing personal data for a long time, but didn’t take the necessary steps to comply with privacy laws....
Data mapping
Data mapping Request consultation Due to Data Mapping, you can identify scope of the project, project stakeholders, and potential risks for the company. As a first step toward becoming GDPR-compliant, data mapping is a key activity. Due to Data Mapping, you can identify scope of the project, project stakeholders, and...
Data Protection Impact Assessment
Data Protection Impact Assessment Request consultation This assessment will provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and vulnerabilities that your company may face in regards to personal data protection. It will also provide clear guidance on how to mitigate these risks and ensure. Article 35 of the GDPR describes...
GDPR Compliance Audit
GDPR Compliance Audit Request consultation Our licensed professionals will verify your business and product for GDPR-compliance. Get an offer Question Why is the GDPR audit significant? It provides: 01. Managers with an overview of the state of personal data protection within the business entity, as well as letting them know...
Data Protection Officer Outsourcing
Data Protection Officer Outsourcing Request consultation Delegate both individual and corporate responsibility for GDPR-compliance to licensed professionals from Data Privacy Office Europe. Do you have these problems? Get an offer Question 01 Fumbling through the dark because of inexperience? 02 Spending hours in attempts to make your business GDPR-compliant and...
Privacy Roadmap
GDPR Roadmap +Implementation Program Request consultation We train a working group (privacy team) within the company and support the process of GDPR implementation. You can lay ISO27701 or Nymity Privacy Accountability Framework on the basis of the GDPR Roadmap. Why is Roadmap+ Implementation program both comprehensive and convenient? ProblemSolution Sustainability...