Join our comprehensive training that covers all aspects of GDPR and teaches how to apply them in practice. You’ll build a firm foundation in data privacy, combining theoretical knowledge with up-to-date practical skills. As GDPR is the basis for understanding privacy laws in other jurisdictions, it’s a great starting point for those seeking professional growth in the data protection.
- March 31 → April 26
- Self-assessement tests and practical tasks
- Online classes, Q&A-sessions with trainers, final project
- Electronic certificate in Accredible
- € 935 + VAT

Who is a Data Privacy Professional?
A Data Privacy Professional is responsible for ensuring data protection within an organization, complying with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and other national data protection regulations.
The role includes developing privacy policies and records of processing activities, embedding data protection into business processes, training colleagues in data privacy, communicating with supervisory authorities, conducting audits and risk assessments, and setting data protection recommendations.
Why Should You Take the GDPR Data Privacy Professional Training?

You work in personal data protection sphere but want to structure your existing knowledge and experience.
You aim to enhance your professional skills and build a career in data privacy on the international market.
You’ve been tasked with aligning your company’s personal data processing with GDPR, but don’t know where to start.
You often encounter personal data protection issues but lack the expertise to address them effectively.
Why Is This Course Your Best Choice?
Structured and up-to-date program
Personal data protection is a complex and complex topic, with reliable, quality information often hard to find on the Internet. Our GDPR DPP course program has been validated by hundreds of graduates and is continually updated to reflect the latest regulation changes and trends.
Practical assignments and final team project
You’ll apply your knowledge through practical exercises after each theoretical module, take tests, and collaborate on a team final project.
Certified trainer
Learn from the professional with international certifications and solid experience. The author of the training is Siarhei Varankevich, CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, MBA, FIP, the founder of Data Privacy Office Europe, chief editor of (a guide to the General Data Protection Regulation), and creator of Applicability App (innovative service that simplifies the process of identifying which privacy laws a business falls under).
Learning with like-minded people and networking
Studying alongside others who share your interests boosts motivation and enhances results. This environment fosters idea discussions, news sharing, and open Q&A sessions.
Systematized learning materials

Access author-created Miro boards and over 100 useful resources: guidelines, diagrams, checklists, and supervisory documents.
- Concept of privacy, information privacy and personal data protection, types of privacy.
- History of information privacy.
- Daniel Solow’s classification of privacy violations.
- The role of information privacy in society.
- Review of the evolution of the legal regulation of personal data protection.
- Overview of existing laws, standards and regulations on data protection.
- Cases, court decisions, clarifications in the field of information privacy.
- Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data No. 108.
- Directive 95/46.
- Overview of present regulatory framework of data protection in EU (GDPR+).
- History of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Territorial and material scope of GDPR.
- Structure of GDPR text (recitals, business related articles etc).
- Overview GDPR related acts.
- National data privacy legislation.
- Legal precedents.
- Guidelines and opinions of Article 29 Working Group (Art29WP) / European Data Protection Board (EDPB).
- Guidelines of national supervisory authorities (SAs).
- Overview of risks, fines, responsibilities related to personal data processing.
- Mapping of the different data protection laws to the rules applicable in EU.
Concept of personal data
Data processing. Data controllers and processors
- Personal data processing and its types.
- Profiling.
- Personal data pseudonymisation.
- Personal data anonymisation.
- Processing of special categories of personal data.
- Processing of minors’ data.
- Data controller, co-controllers or individual controllers.
- Data processor.
- Distribution of responsibilities between controller and processor.
- Data minimisation.
- Storage limitation.
- Accuracy.
- Integrity and confidentiality.
- Accountability.
- Transparency of processing.
- Purpose limitation.
Privacy by Design
- The 7 foundational principles of privacy by design by Ann Cavoukian.
- Privacy by Default.
- Privacy embedded into design.
- Full functionality – positive-sum.
- End-to-End Security – Lifecycle Protection.
Lawful basis for processing
- Consent.
- Conditions for consent.
- Getting consent in UX.
- Contract.
- Legal obligation.
- Vital interest.
- Public interest.
- Legitimate interest.
- Balancing test of Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA).
Data subject rights
- Modalities for exercise of the rights of the data subject.
- Right to information about processing.
- Right to access personal data.
- Right to rectification.
- Right to restriction of processing.
- Right to be forgotten.
- Right to data portability.
- Right to object.
- Right to not be subject of automated decision-making.
- Data subject’ rights restriction.
- Case “Nightmare letter from data subject”.
DPIA and privacy risk management
- Check-box approach vs risk based approach.
- Concept of risk.
- Risk likelihood and severity.
- GDPR terminology related to risks (high risk, likely etc).
- Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) requirement under GDPR.
- When DPIA is mandatory.
- BIA (Business Impact Assessment) or SIA (Security Impact Assessment) as triggers for DPIA.
- General approach to conduct DPIA.
- Describing processing operations, personal data and supporting assets.
- Legal and risk-treatment controls.
- Risk sources, feared events, threats and risks.
- Tools for Data Protection Impact Assessment.
Information security
- GDPR requirements to information security.
- Data breach notification of supervisory authorities and data subjects.
- Technical and organisational measures of managing information security risks.
Trans-border transfers of personal data
- Overview of GDPR rules on cross-border data flow.
- Documenting international transfers of personal data.
- Data Processing Agreement.
- Binding Corporate Rules.
- Standard Contractual Clauses.
- Codes of conduct and certifications.
- Derogations relating to cross-border data transfers for specific situations.
Data protection officer (DPO) and EU representative
- Representative in EU.
- Data Protection Officer / DPO.
Course Format
- 4 weeks / 935 EUR
- Weekly meetings and Q&A sessions with trainers, privacy case studies in groups
- Tests and practical tasks with feedback from the trainer
- Final team project: creating a Record of Processing Activities (RoPA)
- Hands-on experience with Miro and Notion tools
- Electronic certificate via Accredible upon successful test completion (over 80% correct answers)

If you find that the course isn’t the right fit for you, we’ll refund the full cost.
Data Security
Your privacy is our priority. We ensure your data is securely protected, not shared with third parties, and used in marketing campaigns with your consent only.
Support Your learning doesn’t end with the training. You’ll have access to the chat, where our trainers are ready to answer your questions relevant to the course.

Special Offer
50% Off for Full-Time Students
We believe in supporting students in their professional growth. That’s why we offer a 50% discount to all full-time students on our fundamental trainings: GDPR Data Privacy Professional and Global Data Privacy Manager.
Please note: A valid student ID is required when enrolling.

Get a special offer
Fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible!
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I enroll in the course, but can’t attend?
If you enroll in the course but are unable to attend, rest assured. We can transfer you to the next training group.
What will happen if I don’t attend several training sessions during the course?
In case you miss multiple training sessions during the course, we may record the session, which will then be sent to you after the lesson. You can watch at your convenience.
Is an installment payment possible?
Absolutely! You can pay for the course through a series of installments. Our managers will provide guidance on this matter and offer favorable terms tailored to your needs.
Will I immediately a get a better job after completing the training?
Completion of our training enhances your skill set and knowledge in personal data protection and GDPR compliance, providing you with a competitive advantage over your competitors. While an immediate job promotion is not guaranteed, it certainly positions you favorably in the job market.
I still have questions about the course?
Feel free to submit a request on our website, and our manager will promptly respond. This no-obligation consultation ensures that we address all your questions free of charge.